Maximising fleet performance: the power of marginal gains


The concept of ‘marginal gains’ has revolutionised the world of sports.

Spearheaded by Sir Dave Brailsford, a former performance director of British Cycling, the idea focuses on seeking small, incremental improvements across various aspects of an athlete’s training and lifestyle.

Individually, each gain may be minor but, when combined, they result in a significant uplift in performance levels.  

This approach, rooted in meticulous attention to detail and continuous improvement, can be effectively translated into the realm of fleet management to enhance efficiency, reduce costs and improve overall performance.

Here, we look at the five areas where small changes can have a big impact.


Maintenance matters

Implementing a strict schedule for vehicle checks is crucial when running a fleet.

Regular inspections help keep vehicles in peak condition – and don’t take much time. By identifying and addressing minor issues as soon as they occur, it prevents them snowballing into much bigger problems, such as lengthy downtime.

Tech solutions, such as TraXall UK’s MOVE vehicle inspection app, streamline the process too, making it easier for drivers and fleet managers to pinpoint problems before heading out on the road. 

Scheduling regular maintenance also optimises a vehicle’s fuel efficiency. For instance, when tyres are underinflated, the engine has to work harder, burning more fuel and costing a business more money.

For commercial vehicles, modifications can also be made to improve aerodynamics to further enhance fuel economy.


Driving excellence

Monitoring employees’ driving styles and promoting safer habits can have a huge impact on operational costs and risk management.  

By investing in a telematics system, fleet managers can get real-time data on driving behaviours, such as speeding, braking and idling. This allows them to identify areas for improvement for every driver, provide targeted feedback and implement personalised development strategies.

Training programmes also ensure drivers can continuously develop their motoring skills. Regular workshops and online training modules can cover topics such as how to drive in the most fuel-efficient manner, as well as how to boost road safety, leading to a more competent and confident performance, and less wear and tear on vehicles.

Focusing on driver health and wellbeing is equally important. Implementing initiatives such as mental health support and ergonomic vehicle modifications can boost productivity, with a healthy driver more alert and less likely to cause accidents.


Leverage technology

By harnessing data-driven insights from technology, fleet managers can pinpoint and implement minor adjustments that cumulatively enhance efficiency and performance.

For instance, route optimisation technologies analyse traffic patterns and suggest the most efficient routes, cutting fuel consumption and travel time. Even slight improvements in route planning can lead to substantial savings.

Meanwhile, predictive maintenance solutions use real-time data to foresee potential future vehicle issues, allowing for timely interventions that prevent costly repairs and lengthy downtime. This also ensures vehicles remain in optimal condition, enhancing reliability and performance.

Automating administrative and compliance tasks meanwhile, such as logging driver hours, eliminates the possibility of errors, whilst freeing up time for fleet managers to focus on other tasks. 


Smarter policies and practices

Reviewing and refining fleet policies may not be an obvious area to focus on, but it can ensure resources are used effectively and support smoother operations. For example, simplifying fuel management policies can lead to more efficient fuel usage.

Vehicle utilisation is another key area. Fleet right-sizing, which involves maintaining the right number and types of vehicles to meet business needs, prevents underutilisation and overloading, maximising efficiency and minimising costs.

By properly distributing loads, fleets can also enhance operational efficiency. Not only does ensuring the correct load improve safety, it also reduces fuel consumption and avoids unnecessary wear and tear.


Embrace sustainability

Adopting greener practices brings a multitude of benefits to fleets – not least an enhanced company reputation.

Customers and stakeholders are increasingly prioritising businesses that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability, which can lead to increased sales and improved levels of customer retention.

Cost savings can also be realised through a more eco-friendly fleet. Although electric vehicles are more expensive to buy, running them is more cost-efficient. Businesses can also take advantage of government EV incentives and subsidies, longer vehicle warranties and cheaper service and maintenance costs.

Furthermore, sustainability initiatives support compliance with environmental regulations, which are becoming more stringent worldwide. Many large corporations, for example, are now required to adhere to strict environmental standards and reduce their carbon footprints. By operating a greener fleet, businesses can avoid potential fines and penalties.

Establish a company-wide culture

Small, incremental changes can lead to significant long-term benefits for an entire fleet operation. However, for the idea of marginal gains to be effective, all company stakeholders, from top management to drivers, must buy into the philosophy.

This requires a culture of continuous improvement where every team member is committed to identifying and implementing changes that can enhance performance, boost efficiency and lower costs.



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